
May 28, 2021

B2C startups are the best candidates for Media for Equity deals

B2C startups are the best candidates for Media for Equity deals. The majority of the startups and scaleups that have done a Media for Equity deal are based on a B2C (business to customer) business model.

June 4, 2021

Media for Equity in Eastern Europe: an untapped potential

Media for Equity, as an investment model where media resources are traded for equities and capital between Media Groups, Media for Equity investment pool and companies, is quite popular in Western Europe in countries such as Sweden, Germany, Italy, United Kingdoms, Spain, Belgium.

June 17, 2021

Scaling cross border business through Media for Equity

Media for Equity has been proven to be a successful investment model, offering new emerging companies and startups media inventory in exchange for equities or capital.

June 21, 2021

Why should Media Groups consider offering Media for Equity deals to companies

The media companies end up owning equities but instead of money, they offer advertising, the goal being reaching the widest possible audience.

June 21, 2021

5-Step Guide for Media Holdings’ CEOs in Central Eastern Europe to Get Started With Media for Equity Investments

We have gathered the best learnings from senior media executives, fund managers, and from analysing 100+ media for equity deals across Europe.

June 22, 2021

The future of Media for Equity: AR, VR and streaming platforms

Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality can prove to be another form of new media that can be introduced into Media for Equity investment deals.

April 27, 2021

What is Media for Equity and What are The Key Benefits?

Media for Equity, as an investment model, is a newer concept in the business market. To put it plainly, Media for Equity is an alternative investment model where companies are trading equities to media conglomerates in exchange for advertising space.

May 28, 2021

B2C startups are the best candidates for Media for Equity deals

B2C startups are the best candidates for Media for Equity deals. The majority of the startups and scaleups that have done a Media for Equity deal are based on a B2C (business to customer) business model.

June 4, 2021

Media for Equity in Eastern Europe: an untapped potential

Media for Equity, as an investment model where media resources are traded for equities and capital between Media Groups, Media for Equity investment pool and companies, is quite popular in Western Europe in countries such as Sweden, Germany, Italy, United Kingdoms, Spain, Belgium.

June 17, 2021

Scaling cross border business through Media for Equity

Media for Equity has been proven to be a successful investment model, offering new emerging companies and startups media inventory in exchange for equities or capital.

June 21, 2021

Why should Media Groups consider offering Media for Equity deals to companies

The media companies end up owning equities but instead of money, they offer advertising, the goal being reaching the widest possible audience.

June 21, 2021

5-Step Guide for Media Holdings’ CEOs in Central Eastern Europe to Get Started With Media for Equity Investments

We have gathered the best learnings from senior media executives, fund managers, and from analysing 100+ media for equity deals across Europe.

June 22, 2021

The future of Media for Equity: AR, VR and streaming platforms

Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality can prove to be another form of new media that can be introduced into Media for Equity investment deals.

April 27, 2021

What is Media for Equity and What are The Key Benefits?

Media for Equity, as an investment model, is a newer concept in the business market. To put it plainly, Media for Equity is an alternative investment model where companies are trading equities to media conglomerates in exchange for advertising space.